Checking in: Your Opinion Matters

Hello fellow NKENNERS,

Thank you for joining the NKENNE community on your African language learning journey.

As our community continues to grow, with more than 10,000+ users and counting, your opinion matters a lot to us.

Do you have fun ideas you’d like to see implemented on the app? Or maybe you’d like to share a few concerns to our dedicated development team?

Would you like to partner with NKENNE to share African languages with the world? Or maybe you just want to connect with the NKENNE team and say hi?

Don’t hesitate to leave a review on the app or contact the NKENNE team directly.

We’d love to know how your experience has been so far on the NKENNE App and get to know you a little better.




So head on to the NKENNE App and start learning today!

Download the app on the App Store or Google Play Store


The Story of the Maasai


New Somali Lessons Available On Nkenne