Essential Igbo Phrases for Hospital Visits

By: Chimdindu Ken-Anaukwu
Picture this: You’re in an Igbo hospital, surrounded by people speaking a language you don’t fully understand. Your anxiety builds as you struggle to explain your symptoms or grasp the doctor’s instructions. Now imagine how empowering it would feel to have the right Igbo words at your fingertips.

In healthcare, communication is vital—it’s the bridge between you and the care you need. This guide offers essential Igbo words and phrases to help you navigate hospital visits with clarity and confidence. Because in moments like these, every word matters.

Key Igbo Words for Hospital Visits

Before jumping into phrases, let’s familiarize ourselves with essential words you’ll frequently encounter in a hospital setting.

Igbo Word Pronunciation Translation
Dọkịta doh-kee-tah Doctor
Nọọsụ naw-soo Nurse
Ọgwụ aw-gwoo Medicine
Ọbara aw-bah-rah Blood
Ahụ ah-hoo Body
Mgbu m-gb-oo Pain
Ahụhụ ah-hoo-hoo Suffering
Ọrịa aw-rhea Sickness
Ọgwụgwọ aw-gwoo-gwaw Treatment
Nlekọta ahụ ike nleh-kaw-tah ah-hoo ee-keh Healthcare
Ike ee-keh Strength/Breath
Ahụike ah-hoo-ee-keh Good health
Ndụ ndoo Life
Nwaanyị nwa-ah-nyee Woman
Nwoke nwo-keh Man
Ọkpụkpụ aw-kpuh-kpuh Bone
Akụkọ ahụ ike ah-koo-kaw ah-hoo ee-keh Health report

Essential Phrases for Hospital Visits

Now that you’ve got the building blocks of vocabulary, it’s time to put them together. These phrases are tailored for real-life hospital interactions, whether you're explaining symptoms, offering reassurance, or seeking clarification. From doctors to nurses to patients, these essential phrases will help you navigate conversations with ease and confidence.

The table below provides the phrase, its pronunciation, and translation—making it simple to practice and perfect your communication skills in Igbo.

Doctor to Patient:

Phrase in Igbo Pronunciation Translation
Kedu ka ị na-adị? keh-doo kah ee nah-dee? How are you feeling?
Gịnị ka ị na-arịa? gee-nee kah ee nah-ah-ree-ah? What is bothering you?
Ị nwere mgbu ebe ọ bụla? ee nweh-reh m-gb-oo eh-beh aw-boo-laa? Do you have pain anywhere?
Anyị ga-eme ule ụfọdụ. ah-nyee gah-eh-meh oo-leh oo-faw-doo? We will run some tests.
Ọnụ ọgụgụ ọbara gị dị mma. aw-noo ooh-goo-goo aw-bah-rah gee dee mm-ah Your blood count is okay.
Ị ga-anọdụ ebe a ruo nkeji iri. ee gah-ah-nor-doo eh-beh ah roo-oh nkeh-jee ee-ree Sit here for ten minutes
Biko, were ọgwụ gị. bee-koh weh-reh oh-gwoo gee Please, take your medicine.

Patient to Doctor:

Phrase in Igbo Pronunciation Translation
Dọkịta, enwere m mgbu ebe a. doh-kee-tah, eh-nweh-reh mm m-gb-oo eh-beh ah Doctor, I have pain here
Enweghị m ike iku ume ọsịsọ. ehn-we-hee mm ee-keh ee-koo oo-meh aw-see-saw I can't breathe well
Achọrọ m ka ị kọwaa nke a ọzọ. ah-chor-ro mm kah ee kaw-wah nkeh ah oh-zoh I need you to explain this again.
Gịnị ka m ga-eme ma emechaa? gee-nee kah mm gah-eh-meh ma eh-meh-chaa? What should I do next?

Cultural Notes

  • Respect Matters: Always greet your healthcare provider with “Kedu” (Hello) before discussing your concerns.

  • Tone Awareness: Igbo is a tonal language, so pronunciation can change the meaning of words.

Practice These Phrases with NKENNE

Learning a new language is easier when it’s interactive and personal. NKENNE offers:

  • Live tutor sessions for direct guidance.

  • Community practice with fellow learners.

  • Tailored lessons for healthcare and everyday scenarios.

Unlike gamified apps, NKENNE focuses on personal connections, ensuring you truly grasp the language.


  1. Why start with words before phrases?
    Words are the building blocks of phrases, making it easier to understand their structure.

  2. How can I improve my Igbo pronunciation?
    NKENNE provides audio guides and live tutor sessions for accuracy.

  3. Are these phrases standard across Igbo dialects?
    Yes, these phrases are in standard Igbo, which is widely understood.

  4. Can I learn healthcare-specific phrases on NKENNE?
    Absolutely! NKENNE’s lessons can be customized to suit your needs.

  5. Does NKENNE offer a free version?
    Yes, you can start learning for free and upgrade for more features.

  6. Is it possible to practice these phrases with a native speaker?
    Yes, NKENNE connects you with native speakers for real-world practice.

  7. Why is tone so important in Igbo?
    Tone changes meaning. For instance, “ọgwụ” can mean medicine or poison depending on pronunciation.

P.S.: Equip yourself with these phrases, and you’ll navigate hospital visits with confidence. Ready to start learning? Head over to NKENNE and say “Kedu” to fluency today!

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