New Languages And Some Other Cool Stuff!!!

Stick around to find out :)

Hey again fellow NKENNERS, we’ve got some exciting news!

Head on to the app and check out our NEW LESSONS for Twi and Somali. We’ve added new content to help you reach your language learning goals!

And that’s not all……

The app has some cool features we thought you'd love to check out!

Play Lessons and Close the App

Let’s set the scene…

                  …You’re driving to work and making weird shapes with your mouth as you perfect your Igbo tones and vocabulary on the way to mastery. But your phone screen goes off and the lesson is abruptly interrupted.

Well, now you can truly learn a language on the go with our newest feature! You can now play lessons even when the app is closed to ensure a smooth and seamless learning experience.

We can't, however, stop making people judge you for making those weird faces…. :(

While you enjoy this new update, check out the new shimmering effect which gives a more fluid and animated look to the app.


So head on to the NKENNE App and start learning today!

Download the app on the App Store or Google Play Store


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