Nkenne Community Space

Hello Fellow NKENNERS,

Have you checked out the Community Section of the NKENNE App?
If not, don’t worry! This article is here to end all FOMO :)
There are so many cool things you can do in the Community Section of the NKENNE App!

Say Hi to Friends on the App!

Reach out to other members on the app to practice and chat in your target language. You can chat with native speakers and other learners, as well as send text and audio messages, pictures, videos, lessons and more!


Find People Near You on the App!

Having trouble finding learners to chat with? Just head to the Community Section and check out the map to find learners close to you. You can then shoot them a message and connect!


Keep track of all your convos in one place.

Head to the chat room to stay up to date on all your conversations with other learners on the app. Want to speak to more people or just someone in particular? Just look them up and start a fresh new convo!


Build a network.

Follow your friends and other favorite people on the app.Just hit the follow button on their profile!

Had a great chat or practice session with another learner? Let other NKENNERs know by leaving a review!


Staying Safe

Let’s all help keep the NKENNE Community safe by reporting abuse or inappropriate behavior on the app. You can also block users if you’re not in the mood to engage or feel unsafe.

All these options are available on the top right corner of the Profile page of the user.


So head on to the NKENNE App and start learning today!

Download the app on the App Store or Google Play Store


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